We’ve all heard it before: “Content is the new king.” But finding good writers for your content can be harder than you think. In fact, there are plenty of things you should consider when looking for freelance writers that go beyond just their ability to craft great copy. Here are some important considerations you should make before hiring any writer—whether they’re an experienced writer or someone just starting out:
It’s hard to find writers who write for cheap.
You have to pay the market rate. A lot of writers know their own value, and they’re not going to be content writing for $20/article because it’s not worth their time. If you want quality writing, you need to be willing to pay for it.
Even if a writer is desperate for work and has no other options, do you really think he or she will be able to provide quality work under these circumstances? When I was in college and my friends were struggling with the same problem, we found that when our professors gave us more time or asked us to take on extra assignments (i.e., “write an additional paper”), they would often overlook the fact that our papers weren’t as good as those written by students who didn’t have other commitments vying for their attention as well
It’s hard to find writers who understand your industry.
It’s hard to find writers who understand your industry.
If you’re a real estate agent, it can be difficult to find someone who understands the intricacies of the industry and how your target audience thinks and behaves. You need a writer who knows what questions to ask and how best to answer them in order to write content that resonates with your ideal client. The same applies if you’re selling beauty products or financial services—or anything else!
It’s hard to find writers who know how content marketing works.
There are no set rules for producing great content anymore—but there are some best practices that still hold true: Write about topics that interest people; keep your writing concise; use lots of images, videos and other visual elements; make sure it’s easy for readers to share it on social media; make sure it’s well-written (and edited). If you want help creating effective pieces for any purpose—whether it’s SEO, lead generation or brand awareness—you’ll need someone familiar with these strategies who can help implement them into each piece of copy they create for you
It’s hard to find writers who understand your industry.
- It’s hard to find writers who understand your industry.
- It’s hard to find writers who understand your target audience.
- It’s hard to find writers who understand your content marketing strategy.
- It’s hard to find writers who understand your brand voice.
It’s hard to find writers who understand SEO.
SEO writing is a different beast than regular copywriting. SEO writers have to understand how content is indexed by search engines and what types of keywords are most important for your business. If you hire an SEO writer who doesn’t know this, they might not produce the best results.
Here’s why: When creating content for organic search, you want to make sure that your pages contain relevant keywords that will help people find them both now and in the future. This means that some writers may choose to include those keywords in their titles or headings, but doing so isn’t always necessary or even helpful when it comes time for Google’s bots to crawl your site.
SEO-focused blog posts need longer descriptions and more depth than traditional blog posts because they’re designed with a specific purpose in mind—to be seen by real people searching for information related specifically to “what is this thing called?” You’ll also see longer sentences and paragraphs as well as additional supporting details included throughout an article because these things help improve its ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).
It’s hard to find writers who can write more than 1000 words a day.
It’s hard to find writers who can write more than 1000 words a day.
Writing is an art, and it takes time, effort and energy. It requires concentration. The writer has to focus on what they’re writing; they have to pay attention to every single word that they write because otherwise it won’t make sense. Writing also requires patience because you can’t just sit down at the computer and write 3,000 words in one sitting if you haven’t done any research on the topic beforehand — or even if you have done research but don’t know how exactly it will fit into your article (or book). You need patience so that when something doesn’t come out right at first try because it needs editing afterwards then do not give up! Don’t let frustration get the best of yourself — instead learn from your mistakes then go back into them later after having taken some time off from working on those particular parts of whatever document which caused problems earlier due to being overworked initially.”
It’s hard to find writers you trust with your content.
It’s hard to find writers you trust with your content.
You need to trust that:
- The writer is doing the work on time and communicating with you about any delays.
- The writer is not stealing your content or plagiarizing it in any way. This can be difficult to track down and resolve, so you might want a contract with an automatic fee deduction if they’re found guilty of either offense, or at least keep a log of what has been done and when it was due by so that if anything goes wrong, you’ll have evidence of what was supposed to happen when it didn’t get done on time (or at all).
So, if you’re looking for writers, what can you do? Start by asking yourself:
Are they experienced? Do they understand my industry? Can they write more than 1000 words a day? Do I trust them with my content? If the answer is yes to all four questions above (or at least three), then we’re off to a good start. Next step: find out how much experience each writer has in your industry and how long it took them to get there (remembering that their backgrounds may vary). Then ask for samples of their work so you can see if it fits with your expectations—and if not, ask why! It might seem like an extra step or two (or five), but it will save time down the road when things go wrong with your campaign.