Life as Games, Pt 2.: Employees

with 2 Comments
Courtesy of Wikimedia
Courtesy of Wikimedia

In part 1, we explored the large sample sizes and striking statistics of gamification for your brand. In part two we explore another essential part of your brand’s interaction with your customers… the employees who make it happen.

Imagine having your employees, on their free time, wanting to learn more about their job and your brand.

Really, close your eyes, and breathe in, and construct that reality in your mind. Now open your eyes. Does it seem real? Hell no, it doesn’t. Seriously, who wants to spend their very limited free time out of work getting better at their job? 37% more employees who are playing a training game, that’s who (according to Deliotte).

Here are some gamification applications for your employees:

The company: LiveOps
Industry: Call center (nobody wants to work in a call center. Would you?)
Game Statistics:


        • 23% increase in performance metrics compared to non game playing employees.
        • 9% increase in customer satisfaction.
        • 4 weeks to 14 hours in training time.
        • 80% adoption rate in the first week.

          Learn more:
          Call Centers Performance From Gamification

The Company: NextJump
Industry: Loyalty services
Game Statistics:

    •  5% of employees used their free gym. The purpose of the gym was to lower health insurance premiums, and 5% doesn’t cut it.
    • 12% used it when they offered a $20,000 reward split between top 5 exercising employees. Still not good.
    • 80% of workforce exercised 2+ times a week once they implemented a leaderboard, and a virtual currency (more on intrinsic motivations in pt 3). This is good.
    • Learn more: Gamification Presentation

The Company: Ford Motor Company

Industry: Automotive

Game statistics:

417% increase in use of training software, especially among younger generations.

Learn more: How to Use Gamification To Engage Employees

So, as you can see, these numbers are nothing to balk at, and have seen real life results in real situations, not a sterilized lab.

Infographic showing gamification impact

2 Responses

  1. Veruca
    | Reply

    That insight solves the prlobem. Thanks!

  2. Cassara
    | Reply

    With all these silly weetsibs, such a great page keeps my internet hope alive.

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